API Documentation

SocialEarning API Documentation

Register as an Advertiser to generate your Key

API Details

API Url : https://socialearning.org/api

Allowed Methods : POST and GET

Response : Json Response

Authentication : Token (Your key)

Example on Curl request


A list of all available endpoints, along with their parameters and responses.

Endpoint Method Parameters Response
/balance GET None Currenct Balance and Tototal Withdraw
/service/list GET None The Service list and their id
/order/list GET status (pending, approved, rejected, finished, cancel) Not Required A list of all orders you have placed
/get/order GET Post id or Post link The post with the specified ID or Link
(if multiple order have same link it will return the first or the last post)
/update/order GET Post id and the type to perform type can be (pause, resume, cancel)
/create/post POST Social_Media = (Service id) Required

link = (Valid Link eg. ig post link) Required

rate_needed = (The number of audience you need) Required

custom_text = (Custom Text for custom services) Not required.

You can use this (\r\n) for breaking new line
Successfull Message with the order id
/increase/audience POST id = Post id Required

rate_needed = Rate needed more Required
Successfull Message with the order id

GET /balance

Retrieves your currenct balance and Total withdrawal.

GET /service/list

Retrieves all the active services that we offer.

POST /create/post

Creates a new Order.

GET /order/list

Retrieves all the orders you have placed. Pagination will be included

GET /get/order

Retrieves the post with the specified ID or Link
(if multiple order have same link it will return the first or the last post).

GET /update/order

Retrieves the post with the specified ID or Link
(if multiple order have same link it will return the first or the last post).

POST /increase/audience

Incresae the rate needed

Successfull Codes

A list of all successfull codes, along with their descriptions.

Success Code Description
200 Ok

Error Codes

A list of all possible error codes, along with their descriptions.

Error Code Description
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error