API Url : https://socialearning.org/api
Allowed Methods : POST and GET
Response : Json Response
Authentication : Token (Your key)
Example on Curl request
A list of all available endpoints, along with their parameters and responses.
Endpoint | Method | Parameters | Response |
/balance | GET | None | Currenct Balance and Tototal Withdraw |
/service/list | GET | None | The Service list and their id |
/order/list | GET | status (pending, approved, rejected, finished, cancel) Not Required | A list of all orders you have placed |
/get/order | GET | Post id or Post link | The post with the specified ID or Link (if multiple order have same link it will return the first or the last post) |
/update/order | GET | Post id and the type to perform | type can be (pause, resume, cancel) |
/create/post | POST |
Social_Media = (Service id) Required link = (Valid Link eg. ig post link) Required rate_needed = (The number of audience you need) Required custom_text = (Custom Text for custom services) Not required. You can use this (\r\n) for breaking new line |
Successfull Message with the order id |
/increase/audience | POST |
id = Post id Required rate_needed = Rate needed more Required |
Successfull Message with the order id |
Retrieves your currenct balance and Total withdrawal.
curl -X GET 'https://socialearning.org/api/balance' \ -H 'Authorization: Token ec7ad7e8f3577f9fd5aa433333454444cf5fde3a9'
{ "status": true or false, 'data': { 'Wallet_balance': '27839.00', 'Total_deposit': '2254237.00' } }
Retrieves all the active services that we offer.
curl -X GET "https://socialearning.org/api/service/list" -H "Authorization: Token ec7ad7e8f3577f9fd5aa433333454444cf"
{ "status": true or false, 'data': [ { "id":60, "Social_Media":"YOUTUBEMUSIC", "Type":"Music Like", "poster_price":"8.00", "partner_price":"5.00", "is_active":true "poster_descriptions":"Over 90% of the service will delivered if you follow all the instructions due to youtube restrictions.
\r\n\r\nSubmit a direct post link.
\r\n\r\nMake sure this post has not been posted before either by you or by other advertiser in other to get accurate results.
\r\n\r\nNot following the instructions may lead to lost of funds or inaccurate jobs delivered.
\r\n\r\nYou can contact our support for more help about post or any services.
" } { 'id': 6, 'Social_Media': 'Instagram', 'Type': 'Follow', 'poster_price': '10.00', "partner_price":"5.00", "is_active":false "poster_descriptions":"Over 90% of the service will delivered if you follow all the instructions due to instagram restrictions.
\r\n\r\nSubmit a direct post link.
\r\n\r\nMake sure this post has not been posted before either by you or by other advertiser in other to get accurate results.
\r\n\r\nNot following the instructions may lead to lost of funds or inaccurate jobs delivered.
\r\n\r\nYou can contact our support for more help about post or any services.
" }, ] }
Creates a new Order.
curl -X POST 'https://socialearning.org/api/create/post' \ --H 'Authorization: Token ec7ad7e8f3444444d5aa4c0c334f5d1cf5fde3a9' \ --H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "Social_Media": "11", "link": "https://socialearning.org/api/create/post", "rate_needed": "50", "custom_text": "Good boy \r\n Weldone" }'
{ "status": true or false, 'message': 'Order posted successfully and ₦200.0 have been deducted in your balance NOTE: Tasks will be in pending till admin verify the post. if the order was rejected you will be refunded fully', 'data': { 'id': 106, 'Social_Media': 11, 'status': 'approved', 'message': None, 'progressing': False, 'link': 'https://twitter.com/Social_Earning/', 'date_posted': '2023-04-19T09:29:51.826621Z', 'rate_needed': 510, 'rate_done': 0, 'amount_paid':1000.00 'amount_refunded':0.00 'custom_text': 'Good boy \r\n Bad boy Spending', 'order_method': 'API' }, }
Retrieves all the orders you have placed. Pagination will be included
curl --location --request GET 'https://socialearning.org/api/order/list' \ --header 'Authorization: Token ec7ad7e8f3577f9fd5aa433333454444cf5fde3a9'
{ "status":true or false, "count":9434, "total_pages":189, "current_page_number":1, "next":"", "next_page_number":2, "previous":null, "previous_page_number":null, 'data': [ { 'id': 106, 'Social_Media': 11, 'status': 'approved', 'message': None, 'progressing': True, 'link': 'https://twitter.com/Social_Earning/', 'date_posted': '2023-04-19T09:29:51.826621Z', 'rate_needed': 510, 'rate_done': 500, 'amount_paid':1000.00 'amount_refunded':0.00 'custom_text': 'Good boy \r\n Bad boy Spending', 'order_method': 'API' }, { 'id': 105, 'Social_Media': 11, 'status': 'pending', 'message': None, 'progressing': False, 'link': 'https://twitter.com/Social_Earning/status/1639208170282270720', 'date_posted': '2023-04-16T09:03:39.972090Z', 'rate_needed': 500, 'rate_done': 0, 'custom_text': '', 'order_method': 'API' }, ] }
Retrieves the post with the specified ID or Link
(if multiple order have same link it will return the first or the last post).
curl -X GET 'https://socialearning.org/api/get/order?id=106' \ -H 'Authorization: Token ec7ad7e8f3577f9fd5aa433333454444cf5fde3a9'
{ status: true or false, 'data': { 'id': 106, 'Social_Media': 11, 'status': 'approved', 'message': None, 'progressing': True, 'link': 'https://twitter.com/Social_Earning', 'date_posted': '2023-04-19T09:29:51.826621Z', ' rate_needed': 510, 'rate_done': 500, 'custom_text': '', 'order_method': 'API' } }
Retrieves the post with the specified ID or Link
(if multiple order have same link it will return the first or the last post).
curl -X GET 'https://socialearning.org/api/update/order?id=106&type=pause' \ -H 'Authorization: Token ec7ad7e8f3577f9fd5aa433333454444cf5fde3a9'
{ status: true or false, 'message': 'Order 106 Pause successfully', 'post_id': 106 }
Incresae the rate needed
curl --location --request POST 'https://socialearning.org/api/increase/audience' \ --header 'Authorization: Token ec7ad7e8f3444444d5aa4c0c334f5d1cf5fde3a9' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "rate_needed": "50", "id": "106" }'
{ status: true or false, 'message': 'Order updated successfully and ₦200.0 have been deducted in your balance', 'post_id': 106 }
A list of all successfull codes, along with their descriptions.
Success Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
A list of all possible error codes, along with their descriptions.
Error Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |